Loving Our Neighbors
The Loving Our Neighbors guidebook helps inform, re-educate, repair, and heal misperceptions, cultural misunderstandings, racial conflict, and wounds that cause division in the world and in the Body of Christ so that we can fulfill Jesus' teaching to "Love your neighbor as yourself."
Loving Our Neighbors is a faith-based relational and cultural communication guide. It uses scripture, cultural, and racial communication research along with interpersonal communication principles to help readers understand and apply solutions from scripture to modern cross-cultural challenges. "Looking like heaven and the worldwide Kingdom of God" is a common goal of many faith-based organizations, yet cross-cultural/racial bridge-building and friendship-building have empirically proven to be challenging between people groups.
It is my joy to share with you this recent publication by Dr. Angela Courage.
Dr. Courage has been a member of our congregation for 25+ years. Her heart for racial reconciliation is one that is guided by the principles that Christ taught of loving our neighbor. Her biblical posturing is one that is timely today when so many are taking the counsel for reconciliation from only a social and political standpoint. She understands the value of beginning with a focus on Christ and His love for all people. Dr. Courage speaks to campuses and congregations on this subject with knowledge and clarity.
Enjoy and if I can answer any questions, you may have concerning Dr. Courage, I’m more than happy to assist.
We had Dr. Angela Courage lead our staff in her Loving Our Neighbors Workshop. It opened our eyes to the hidden bias's that can prevent us from loving those who are different. It equipped
us with tools to listen well, to understand cultural differences, and to develop an intentional plan to connect with neighbors who come from different backgrounds and experiences. In short, it showed us how to follow Jesus more faithfully.
Doc Courage, as she is affectionately known, is a solid Christ follower who has a lived experience as the mother of children of color, on top of an education that has equipped her to speak clearly and compassionately to the church about how to effectively communicate God's love to a diverse population.
I am pleased to recommend the Loving Our Neighbors Workshop along with the corresponding Guidebook.
Consultant, Speaker & Educator, Facilitating Diverse Communication Needs
"The quality of your communication dictates the quality of your relationships"
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